Xsocial.com Tricks Trusting People And Then Scams Them Using Computer Generated Profiles
Posted on April 24, 2015 | By Dating Critic | 4 responses
Site Reviewed:
Summary Of The Scam:
- Receiving Communications From Computer Generated Profiles
- Fictitious Profiles Admitted By Xsocial.com
- People Employed To Interact With You
Receiving Communications From Computer Generated Profiles:
Why on the home page of the site do you need to agree to receiving communications from computer-generated virtual profiles? Does this mean that they actually use fake dating profiles and that those fake profiles are used in conjunction with sending computer generated email and instant messages to other users? The answer is yes. Surprisingly they are admitting this directly on their homepage, but most people seem to dismiss this and still create an account on the site. Then, they wonder why they got scammed. If they took the time to read what was directly in front of them they would have saved themselves a lot of time and grief. Unfortunately most people skip the most important information and do end up getting defrauded.
Taken from the terms page:
"I agree to receive communications from computer generated virtual profiles."

Fictitious Profiles Admitted By Xsocial:
Did you know that this dating site uses fictitious profiles? This site has clearly revealed that they are using fake member profiles. This is not some conspiracy, it is actual fact. The problem is you can't tell which profiles are fictitious and which ones are real. So how can you make an informed decision and know which women you're interacting with are real women, and which ones are created by the site? It's actually ludacris that we even have to discuss the fact that they are using fake profiles. Just the fact that a dating site is using fake profiles should alarm you. Obviously the site has no consideration to it's users. Obviously if you didn't read this review you would have no understanding or no knowledge of the imitation profiles, and this is way the way that Xsocial.com wants it. They don't want people knowing that they use fake profiles throughout their site. Their whole business model is built on deceiving people and if people find this out the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
Taken from the terms page:
"In order to enhance your amusement experience, to stimulate you and others to use our Services more extensively, and to generally sprinkle some sparkle and excitement into the Services of XSOCIAL.COM, we may post fictitious profiles"
People Employed To Interact With You:
Can you believe they actually employ people to interact with you? We were shocked to read this in the terms and conditions but it's 100% verifiable. Just as you go to work every day performing your job someone across the world actually gets up and is paid to sit there and chat with you and pretend to like you. How incredible is that? These are real people who sit there on the computer and type messages and emails back and forth with you all day long to build up trust with you and get you to buy a membership on XSocial. What a scam that is! So, just because the people are real it still doesn't mean they are looking to meet you, it could easily be a paid employee.
Taken from the terms page:
"we may employ or contract for the paid services of real persons who may interact with you as part of their compensated employment."
Your Profile Remains On The Site Even If You Delete It:
Did you know that even if you delete your profile on this site it actually still may remain visible by other members of their service. In essence there is real no way to delete your profile if you want to get off this site. That's a little bit of a scary thought, I'm not sure if this also in regards to photographs you upload to the site but take that into consideration if you create a profile on the site, something we do not recommend.
Taken from the terms page:
" You agree that, even should you terminate this Agreement, portions of your profile may remain visible by other Members."
You Are Not Allowed To Create A Fake Profile But The XSocial.com Staff Can:
We find it absolutely hilarious that in the terms of this site the creation of fake profiles is strictly prohibited. Funny they say that since they themselves admit to creating fictitious computer-generated profiles, but members such as ourselves are not allowed to create fake profiles? Personally we think no one should be allowed to create fake profiles and everybody should be honest, but it doesn't seem that XSocial wants to operate in this fashion. They are allowed to create fictitious profiles but if you do so you are breaking the terms and conditions of the site. How ridiculous is that?
Taken from the terms page:
"This prohibition includes for purposes of an example, but is not limited to, the creation of fake profiles that do not even approximately describe you, but which, in fact, describe another person, fictitious or otherwise."
You Are Not Allowed To Break Laws But The Web Does Just That:
This site has a lot of double standards. Once again in the terms they state that you need to agree to obey the laws of every jurisdiction, national, state or provincial and local laws that have authority over you and your use of there services. But at the same time they create fake profiles and uses automated emails to try to trick you into buying a membership. How does this make any sense?
Taken from the terms page:
"You agree to obey the laws of every jurisdiction, national, state or provincial, and local that has authority over you in your use of our Services."
How To Contact The Site:
- By Phone: toll free 866-631-9778 or 1-661-705-5088
- By Email: [email protected]
- By Web Site: Xsocial.com/site/about
- By Address: P.O. Box 146, Trident Chambers, VG1110, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
How To Cancel Your Trial & Monthly Membership:
If you want to cancel your paid trial or monthly subscription to this site you can use the various methods that we have listed below to do so.
- Cancel By Email: [email protected]
- Cancel By Phone: toll free 866-631-9778 or 1-661-705-5088
- Cancel On Site: Xsocial.com/help
- Cancel By Mail: P.O. Box 146, Trident Chambers, VG1110, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Domain Registrant Info:
- Registrant Name: [email protected]
- Registered: on November 16, 2005
- Hosting Company: Amazon
- Hosting Location: 1200 12Th Avenue South, Seattle, WA, 98144, US
- Ip address:
- Name servers: ns-1402.awsdns-47.org, ns-1571.awsdns-04.co.uk, ns-468.awsdns-58.com, ns-735.awsdns-27.net
- Registrant Email: [email protected]
- Registrant Phone: +44.1481737947
Other Sites On Same IP Servers:
Traffic Info:
- Unique Daily Visitors: 32,000
- Unique Monthly Visitors: 960,000
(traffic statistics from October 2014 to January 2015)
The Judgment:
How much more evidence and proof do you need this dating service is not on the up and up. From their own admission they criminate themselves. As a result of our inquiry and examination into the site it's strongly urged that you think twice before using it. We see no reason to use a site that's number one priority is to scam it's members.
Find Legitimate Women Here:
If you want to find real women on genuine dating sites go here.
File Consumer Complaints & Report Abuse:
- Contact the FTC: File a consumer complaint to report financial losses as a result of purchasing a subscription to this service.
- Contact the hosting provider: site: Amazonaws.com email: [email protected] or call: 1-206-266-4064.
Posted in scam | Tags: X Social, XSocial.com, XSocial.com Review, XSocial.com Scam
4 responses on Xsocial.com Tricks Trusting People And Then Scams Them Using Computer Generated Profiles
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SPAM dont click … is a feak website trying to bood trafic by spaming
I wish to cancel my membership in was charged more the they told.me I would be .please refund my purchase
Follow this tutorial to cancel your Xsocial.com membership: https://www.datingcritic.net/how-to-cancel-your-membership-on-xsocial-com-delete-your-profile/