How To Delete Your Profile, Stop Emails & Contact Customer Support
Posted on June 14, 2018 | By Dating Critic | 99 responses
If you want to cancel your account from we have that tutorial below. We also show you how to unsubscribe from any email notifications that you want to. And lastly we have a tutorial that shows you how to contact customer service if you need their help for anything.
Please Note: To follow these instructions properly you should use your PC or laptop computer because that's what we used to write these tutorials. If you follow these instructions using your mobile phone or tablet then you might have a hard time following it because the layout of Wethunt is different on a tablet and mobile phone compared to a personal computer or laptop.
How To Cancel Your Free Account / Delete Your Profile
- The first thing you need to do is login to
- On the left hand side of the webpage click on the "Settings".
- On the top part of that page look for the "Delete Profile" link and click it.
- In the middle of the page click on the "Remove" button.
- You must check all the boxes you see on that page.
- Next click continue.
How To Unsubscribe from Emails
- The first thing you need to do is login to
- On the left hand side of the webpage click on the "Settings".
- You should be on the "Notifications" tab now.
- Now uncheck all the email notifications that you want to stop receiving.
- Next click the blue "Save" button.
How To Contact Customer Support If You Need Help
- Reach customer service at 1-425-274-0657 .
- Their address is Mirelia Services Co.Trust Company Complex, Majuro, Marshall Islands MH96960
- The customer support email adress is [email protected]
Find Legitimate Women Here:
If you want to find real women on genuine dating sites go here.
Can you unsubscribe please. It won't let me do it.
Pls help they won't stop
I don’t want this site I just want to opt out of this crap
Can u please unsubscibe me from,as I'm being scammed, by brielle esther emma marie sanchez,, I was chatting too her and she tryed too scam ,me and still is!,I would also like if u could block her from this site,as she is scamming people. ,please unsubscibe me cause it won't let me do it.
Delete my account
never signed up for this site dont have a password i am being hacked plese delete my accounnt [email protected]
Please delete my email account, this is not for me
Can someone get rid of this site! Cant be blocked!
I'm Bobby . would like to delete everything off my phone that is connected with wethunt or Wethunt. Tutorial is not for phones.
please delete my email account this is not for me
Sunday,January 6th 2019 Please delete this account I've been hacked and need my money back on my card
It's true. I have been a so-called "guest" since shortly before Christmas, therefore because I don't have an account, there effectively isn't anything to unsubscribe from. However, I am getting messages, luckily my bank account hasn't accordingly been hacked but I hope there will be a way I can stop notifications from reaching me.
Please delete my account
This is shit I’ve been trying to get off this sites my wife is going to report it
Pleause delete my email account this is not for me and my money back please me
My account delete and my account hack my money back plz sir I help you
please delete my wethunt account as soon as possible i do not use it
I never signed up for this site dont have a password i am being hacked plese delete my accounnt.
Please delete my account
Can u please take me off the list and don’t email again
Please delete my profile i'm getting to much rubbish on this site thankyou
The instructions provided are so YOU can delete YOUR Wethunt account, not sure how many times we need to say the same thing lol.
Just delete my fk'n profile i've had a guts full of scam of a website it's just a scam
jusr look for tameka she or he is the con around 100 profiles and all fake ..
Yeah her name is Sara baker she’s a real piece of s#*#.she lives in Encinitas ca.i know her and her friend Karen fairies Encinitas ca also.
Can u unsuscribe me from wethunt please..i deleted my account but i wana know if it's still in subscription..thank u
Please delete my account never gave anyone permosion im being hacked ..please dropp my account
Please Stop sending me messages as i DID NOT Ask for an account.
Please don't send me nothing else I'm not a lesbian my stuff was hacked
Please delete my E-mail! I Never signed up to receive messages!!! I DON’T want any more Messages
or E-Mails!!!!
I want to delete this website, stop receiving any emails texts or pictures from here
Please delete my 3 day trial, because I can not get to the web site. It directs me to different web sites.Thank you.
you’re shit only cause trouble with people who don’t know what they are fucking doing you splits up people
Can you please tell these people to stop,take down wet hunt it can't exist anymore, the scamming only hurts lonely people, it needs to be destroyed, sue them for it, please don't ignore this,I only want people to be happy, this site looks good if you're horney, or lonely, but it's an illusion, please do it ,for people who just want some live in there lives
Please delete my account James jimmytdrain731
Close this dame'S pissing me off. All day all night ..bitches ..get out of and out of my phone and life. NOW
My name is Jess it’s only two young girls names are Sara baker.and Karen fairies.both from Encinitas ca.there in big trouble they just don’t know it yet….
I would like you people to delete this filthy crap from coming to me. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you…
Please cancel my order and refund my money back in seven days as posted I tried calling you but all numbers are in active or hung up on me after being dialed this is the only way possible that I can cancel my membership please do so John Mitchell
Hello, I demand that you delete my account & unsubscribe me from all future emails! It's all just a scam to get my credit card info! Thank you!
i have been hacked,,i did not make this purchase,please cancel and return any money to my account,,thank you ray luse
delete my account as none of us have set this up do it ASAP thanks
Please stop sending me messages at [email protected] , I'm asking nicely. My next step , if you don't leave me alone is contacting my lawyer and getting a harassment law suit !
Stop harassing me !
Take me off list by
Please delete me off of this sorryass site or i will take legal action
Please dellet my accounts i dont do this.
LOL. All you guys better make a trip to the bank and delete your credit card for a new one. Not my 1st rodeo.its the only way.This site just linked you with just about the only legit 2 sites on Earth.and even they are sketchy, and full of scammersJim
I've test driven all these sites. Never Anything but scams. Even the legit ones. I get more action on Facebook, honestly.
Here's another Legit site if you dont mind hookers. at least those girls are real
Stop it now no more contact
This site is full of scammers,all sites are scams scams scams scams scams,l will get iwillget in touch with BBC watch dog to remove this site
This site is full of scammers,all sites are scams scams scams scams scams,l will get iwillget in touch with BBC watch dog to remove this site
What the Hell do I have to do to get rid of the site????? Some how I was added
here with out my O.K. Please just go away. ………
Please cancel all email and accounts
Delete me from this site
What do I have to do to stop this unwanted spam . i didn't subscribe to these sites . Just unsubscribe me and leave me alone. Also make it easier to unsubscribe if anybody in the future had made a mistake.
Unsubscribe me. I have tried many times and it doesn't let me. So unsubscribe me
Somehow I recently have been getting numerous notifications from these sex sites and I am sick and tired of it. The messages are quite very rude and graffic and I am so pissed off I can not even see straight. This is ready F'n up my ability to use my phone and there is no way to delete is get the the F off my phone. I am to the point of filing a harrasrnt suit against them and sueing. Could u please help me in getting rid of there A holes once and for all? I would greatly appreciate any & all u can do for me. Thank you, RJ Lopez
Please can el my accoung
Please restore my account to app as soon as possible. I had a problem with my laptop earlier today and a technician fixed it but my account went away. I tried to login but that didn't work either. So can you please help me out with this problem? Thank you!
How did my account get deleted. I would like my account reopened as soon as possible thankyou.
Who in the hell is using my e mail account? I want to set up a new account as soon as possible thankyou
Can you please delete my account and stop sending me messages please
follow the directions above and you can delete your own account.
trying to unfollow you guys are driving me crazy, get this stuff off,,,,,, please
Good morning,
Please I would like to unsubscribe this Wethunt.
Thank you.
Unsubscribe me from all emails and texts
Can you please tell me why photos sent to my account are censored when I have confirmed that I am 45 years old ?
Why are you sending this rubbish on my email. I don't need this
My email is [email protected]
You need to contact the site you joined. We have NO connection to the dating site that scammed you AT ALL.
I joined this site today with my email [email protected]. in America but I’m having hard time getting online with It didn’t do this until I put my email on. How do I get, send woman messages here?
I want to delete my account I don't want it
delete never signed for iyt,not interested
nothing but a scam ad. saysI live 5 min away and they have no idea where i live
Delete me from f****** wethunt
I hate wethunt
Delete my account
Please stop giving me email, text and notifications lm a kid l should not be seeing this. PLEASE STOP.
Please remove my name
Please delete my account and stop all emails too
Please delete me from your website.I never signed up for it and am receiving emails from your site.I tried to cancel myself and couldn’t do it.Thank you.
Not interested
Your site is not legitimate & l am not interested in porn.
How much money they cut from you?. I got 1.32$ scammed. Do you know how to delete it?
I never signed up for it and get all kinds of spam emails. I do not need porn I have a beautiful wife. Sick of seeing this crap in my email. Delete me.
I never signed up for this so delete my account and profile. Totally Unwanted.
I would like to DELETE my email and profile from, it will not let me on my tablet or laptop. DO NOT send any more messages to my email. Please delete ALL correspondence to my email ASAP!
Your site is not legitimate & l am not interested in porn.
Get me off this stupid service NOW!!! Or I will call the police
I would like to DELETE my email and profile from, it will not let me on my tablet or laptop. DO NOT send any more messages to my email. Please delete ALL correspondence to my email ASAP!
I tried to cancel wet hunt it won’t let me you people have got it set to make it impossible to delete so I’m telling you now I want to cancel
I would like to DELETE my email and profile from, it will not let me on my tablet or laptop. DO NOT send any more messages to my email. Please delete ALL correspondence to my email ASAP!
Please stop sending me this garbage